
Fast Share Tool! Share Music,Share Video,Share Photo,Status Saver, To MP3, MP3

Xender File Sharing Team

Xender is an app that allows users to transfer and share various types of files. The app even works for sharing files across multiple platforms and devices. Videos, music, photos and more can all be shared. If you're looking for a specific movie, song or TV show, then Xender can help you to find it.

One of the best things about Xender is that it doesn't use up any data storage on your phone or mobile device. No wired-in connections or additional software is needed for use. Xender provides super fast download times. Files can even be downloaded from social-media platforms such as Facebook and Youtube.

Xender offers a tools that allow you to convert files into different forms. Video files can even be changed into audio files. This is helpful when trying to find and download more obscure songs. Xender connects users with over 500 million others so they can always find what they're looking for.

Users transfer over 200 million files every day with Xender. It's a stable, reliable and safe program to use. Files can be viewed and enjoyed immediately after download. Users will also receive handy tools to view, delete and organize all of their downloads.